The cultural events of the Municipality of Sitia “Kornaria 2023”
The cultural events of the Municipality of Sitia “Kornaria 2023”, an institution through which the cultural life of the place in all its manifestations is highlighted, are expected to give a special tone this summer.
Kornareia is organized by DOKAS in collaboration with the Culture Office, cultural associations, clubs, sports bodies, schools, volunteer groups of the region and the support of the Municipality of Sitia, the Region of Crete, the Regional Unit of Lasithi, the Ministry of Aegean and Island Policy, the OAS, the MADES, the Municipal Community of Sitia, the Municipal Port Fund and local bodies. It is therefore a collective effort, whose fruits take shape throughout the summer season and until September.

The start of Kornaria will take place this evening, as the event scheduled for yesterday of the dance groups of the Lyceum of Greek Women of Sitia entitled “To bring a gyrovolia…”, organized by the Lyceum of Greek Women with the support of the Region of Crete – Regional Unit of Lasithi and the Municipality of Sitia, was postponed for today.
All Summer at Sitia the quests will have the opportunity to join the Cretan festivals called Panigiria in all over Sitia villages, there they will eat local foods, brink raki and dance tradition Creta Dances.
The Kornaria festivals usually starts at 31/05/until 10/09 every year.
Please feel free to contact DTS Hellas for your arrangements for “Kornaria 2024” in Sitia.
Do not miss this cultural experience!