Tourinews pays tribute to Eduardo Zamorano

who is retiring after a long career linked to the Tourism sector in January 2024.

In addition to the Awards ceremony , the annual ceremony held by Tourinews this Friday, November 24 at the Expomeloneras conference center (Gran Canaria), was also full of especially emotional moments such as the tribute to professionals who retire, putting an end to his career in the tourism sector.

As a preamble to the awards ceremony, there was a presentation of medals to the “illustrious people of tourism”, an appellation that Tourinews has coined to refer to those candidates who have decided to end their active professional career this year. Thus, they took the stage to receive a well-deserved ovation:  Margarita Müller, Eduardo Zamorano – DER Touristik Spain, Victoriano Elvira, Carlos Villota, Pedro Lara and  Sofía Torralbo —the latter representing the nearly 50 air traffic controllers who retired throughout 2023—.

“This has been a finishing touch to my professional career ,” highlighted one of the honorees, visibly moved after receiving a warm ovation.