EU Diversity Month
“Our diversity is part of our success”.
We, Destination Touristic Services, as part of REWE Group are the image of a colourful world. And that is a good thing. Because for us it is clear: success needs people who tick differently.
Diversity creates creativity – and it is these different perspectives and experiences that move us forward together. For Diversity Month, REWE CEO, Lionel Souque, invites all employees to engage with diversity, contribute ideas and find out what REWE Group already offers.
Also, the European Union is promoting the Diversity Month 2023 with many initiatives. Equality and diversity are a top priority for the European Commission to fight discrimination and push for more equal societies. This year, for the second time, the Commission is organizing the European Capitals of Inclusion and Diversity Award. The Award recognises the work done by cities, towns, or regions in Europe to promote inclusion and create discrimination-free societies.